Here is a list of podcasts that I have found not only informative but aslo entertaining!
- The Mac-cessibility Round Table Podcast (iTunes) - explores the use of Apple products by individuals with disabilities, focusing on but not limited to, users with visual impairments.
- AssistiveWare: Users in Control: A Fresh Perspective on Accessibility (iTunes) - This podcast offers an insightful look at how people with disabilities are empowered through the Mac OS X.
- All With My iPhone (iTunes) - John Cory Ballard and voiceOver give audio tours of iOS apps.
- Bind Cool Tech Podcast - The Blind Cool Tech Podcast provides interviews, brings you along on sound seeing tours, and discusses life and cool technology, especially technology that blind people can use.
- SeroTalk - podcast & interactive blog on the accessible digital lifestyle, produced by Serotek, the Accessibility Anywhere people
Assistive Technology:
- Assistive Technology In Public Schools (A.T.TIPScast) (iTunes) by Chris Bugaj - a podcast about using technology to help students meet their educational goals - Facebook page
- EdCeptional (iTunes) - EdCeptional highlights access to learning for exceptional students of all abilities.
- Assistive Technology Update (iTunes) - fast-paced weekly update for AT professionals and enthusiasts by INDATA
- Tech Access Weekly (iTunes) - a podcast of unspecified length about accessible technology
- AT Maine: The Assistive Technology Show (iTunes) - The Assistive Technology Show is a weekly round table-style forum devoted to discussing all things assistive technology, or technology related.
- AssistiveWare: Assistive Technology Podcasts and Videos
- Exploring the Frontiers of Assistive Technology (iTunes) - This is a video podcast showing how people use assistive technology to communicate, express their creativity, play games and make so much more out of life. These videos show that there is no reason why people with physical, vision, speech or language impairments cannot use the same creative and educational software as every other Mac OS X user. There are a few episodes per year, each starring a different person.
- @ATTIPScast on Twitter
- YouTube channel
Special Education:
- The Coffee Klatch (iTunes) - A virtual cup of coffee for parents of special need children bringing you award-winning authors, expert psychiatrists, psychologists, & international renowned children's foundations.
- Making Special Education Work (iTunes) by KPS4Parents - Podcasts regarding special education and how it affects families, taxpayers, and society at larget as well as how everyone can work together to deliver sound educational services to children with disabilities in a way that benefits society as a whole.
- rethink autism (iTunes) - rethink autism shares several tips a month about how to teach children with autism in a way that is easy to understand and apply.
- Special Needs Talk Radio - talk radio network with outstanding new broadcasts produced by The Coffee Klatch.
- The IRIS Center PodCast (iTunes) - The IRIS Center offers special education resources and materials--validated instructional strategies, research-to-practice strategies, best practice strategies--for the effective inclusion and mainstreaming of students with disabilities. The Center provides resources for college and university faculty and professional development providers in the areas of accommodations; assessment; behavior; collaboration; differentiated instruction; disability; diversity; learning strategies; math; reading, literacy, and language arts; response to intervention (RTI); and school improvement. In addition, IRIS materials provide information on issues related to professional standards and SPP indicators. IRIS online modules, case studies, activities, and podcasts are available at no cost to all education professionals.
Speech Langauge Therapy:
- ASHA Podcast - every 3 or 4 weeks, ASHA will feature an interview with a professional that is making news the field of speech-language pathology or audiology.
- GeekSLP TV (iTunes) - GeekSLP, or Barbara Fernandes, does monthly video shows featuring reviews of iOS apps and accessories as well as discussion of various topics related to the use of technology in speech therapy.
- This Week in Technology (TWiT) (iTunes)
- iPad Today (iTunes) - Leo Laporte and Sarah Lane highlight the best apps, most helpful tools, coolest tricks, and essential news surrounding the iPad revolution. This show is recorded live on Thursdays at 1:30PM PT/4:30PM ET on http://live.twit.tv. - MacReach (iTunes) - hosted by Apple Distinguished Educator and mobile learning specialist, Meg Wilson, the MacReach podcast brings the most innovative contributors, integrative ideas, and cutting-edge classroom strategies to the forefront. The show generally airs on Thursday nights.
For Students:
- Night Light Stories - podcast featuring original children's stories told by the friendly glow of a child's night light.
- Facebook page - Billy Gorilly's Podcast for Kids (iTunes) - "The Billy Gorilly Show" is perfect for 3-6 year olds. This entertaining show is designed to promote learning in 5 key areas: values, creativity, literacy, math, and science. Free activity pages that kids can work on while they are listening are available to download at billygorilly.com.
- Sesame Street Podcast (iTunes)
READERS: Which podcasts do you listen to about the above topics? If I have left a good podcast off this list, please share by commenting below.
- Jeremy
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