The Click to Read series is a set of early literacy programs available for use on your computer. Each CD contains 4 stories centered around a topic. These stories can be read, interacted with, retold, and expanded upon with games and other materials. They also include printable materials for you to use off-line. The programs are written to be used with students from pre-K to high school and beyond. They have tons of options for switch access (both automatic and step scanning), P.A.C.T. highlighting, feedback for switch access, and much more.
The programs also include several different levels for retelling from simple fill in the blank to recreating the story page by page. The games can be set to different levels like picture matching, word to picture matching or reading words. All games include audio prompts and corrective feedback when needed.
There are 3 different Click to Read programs to choose from:
Animal Habitats
- The Desert - Animals, birds and plants that live in the Southwest Desert
- A Home in the Forest - Animals that live in the forest and where they make their homes
- Pond Life - Animals, insects and plants found in the pond habitat; focus on prepositions "in, on, around"
- Ocean Creatures - Familiar ocean inhabitants; 1:1 correspondence through 5
All About Me
- I am Me - all about self awareness & qualities that make us unique
- How Do You Feel - Real life examples of activities & interactions that make us happy, sad, mad & excited
- Using my 5 Senses - Making Kool-Aid is used to teach students about the 5 senses
- Looking Good - personal grooming and hygiene
Life Skills
- Ben Goes Shopping - Help Ben find what store to buy items at
- Community Signs - Signs found in the community and what they mean
- What Time is it? - Time of day and common activities associated with each
- How Much is it Worth? - Introduction to money values, saving and spending
I have to say that I have used both All About Me and Life Skills with my students, and they love them. The stories have predictable phrases and engage the students from the start. They especially enjoy retelling them. The programs can be used on any computer, but excel on a SMART Board, Promethean, or other touch screen. They become so much more interactive and the students really get into the stories and activities. I highly recommend these programs!
Check out all the Take and Teach Language Kits & Click to Read programs at Aimee Solutions.
- Patrick
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