Welcome to the March AT Blog Carnival! Let's dive right in and check out the content.
Jeannette Van Houten (@jvanhoutensped) from My Point of View.... shared a great post on visual supports:
Visual Supports-They Are Important
Chris Bugaj (@attipscast) from A.T.TIPSCast shows us how to do reading fluency with Audacity:
Audacity for Reading Fluency
(He also mentions that The Practical (and Fun) Guide to Assistive Technology in Public Schools is coming out in April, check it out here-http://iste.org/chewat)
David Banes is a new contributor (@davebanesaccess). His blog is Access Technology - Now and Tomorrow:
Paying through the nose for AT & Something a little different!
Barrie Ellis (@oneswitch) of the blog One Switch UK has 2 great posts for those students who access the computer with switches:
Switch Accessible Card Maker
Switch Curling - a lot of fun, and not easy! Give it a try!
Ricky Buchanan (@rickybuchanan) of AT Mac shares these great posts:
The Ultimate MacSpeech Dictate 1.5 Global Commands List
Morse Code for Computers (should work on all computers!)
I've decided to share some a great way to use Flip video cameras & one of my favorite new programs:
Many Ways to Use a Flip Video Camera
MeMoves Revisited
Thanks for joining us on the March AT Blog Carnival. Please share and we hope to see you back next month! The April AT Blog Carnival will be posted on Friday, April 30.
Patrick & Contributors
Photo courtesy of Flick Creative Commons: cobalt123
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