Saturday, September 27, 2008

AT training stuff

Recently in the QIAT list people were discussing trainings they were doing for AT. Some of the resources that got mentioned were extremely good! Here are 3 of them and a little idea of what you will find there:

Assistive Technology Training Online Project (ATTO)

This is the first resource I took a look at and was extremely impressed. It is easy to navigate and really has lots of info. The basic sections are AT Basic, Tutorials, AT Decision Making, & Resources. The AT basic section explains different types of AT, why it should be used, and some basic adaptation ideas for low-tech adaptations, computers, and curriculum. This is a great starting place for any person new to AT or if you want to educate someone on the basics.

The tutorial section is one I am extremely excited to read. There are tutorials for several of the most pervasive computer programs - Clicker 4 & 5, Classroom Suite, Intellikeys, & Word. There are also tutorials for creating talking books in Powerpoint. Links to other tutorials are included.

The decision making section give examples of why students need AT, the steps to consider in an AT process, and tools, worksheets, and such to make these decisions. The resources section has many links to different AT related items. Specifically it has links to lists of all AT devices & items that are available at this time, a very comprehensive list.

Texas Assistive Technology Network (TATN)

The TATN has many training modules for download and use. Some of them include - Consideration, Evaluation, Implementation, Writing, & Reading. These modules include presentation slides, note taking guides, & links to more information.

Maryland Assistive Technology Network (MATN)

The biggest feature of the MATN is the AT cycle information. Each part of the QIAT consideration process is taken apart, and explained. There are forms for each part and downloadable instructions for each part. This site allows a novice team to help decide on and implement the SETT framework as well as continue evaluating the effectiveness of AT.

These sites are great ways to introduce new staff to AT and improve your own skills. There are lots of downloads and many different ideas to use.

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