Friday, January 29, 2010
AT Blog Carnival - January
I am so excited to kick of the AT Blog Carnival for 2010! There's been quite a response so let's get to it!
To kick off our AT Blog Carnival for January we have some posts from Brian Friedlander (@assistivetek)of Assistive Technology
Solo 6 - Literacy Tool with the Right Balance of Power & Features
Just Released - Assistive Technology: What every Educator Needs to Know
Gillian703 of Special Classroom shares how her class cooks!
Climb for Water Recipe
Lon Thornburg (@lontee) of No Limits to Learning shares some fun ways to integrate AAC and school curriculum:
Use Fun to Integrate AAC and School Curriculum
Eric Sailers (@egolfer6) of Speech-Language Pathology Sharing shared some great posts about iPod Touch apps & accessories he likes!
3 New Toys for my iPhone & iPod Touch
iPhone & iPod Touch apps for (Special) Education
Chris Bugaj (@attipscast) of the A.T.TipsCast shares his tips on how to change the speed of reading for digital media:
ATTipsCast - Episode #47
Barbara Boucher of TherExtras has some great posts about movement & handwriting:
To Move is to Function
The handwriting is on the wall
Ricky Buchanan (@rickybuchanan) of ATMac shares some of her favorite posts:
Dictation For Your iPhone/iPod Touch
Give Yourself Backups For Christmas
Create Accessible Podcast And iTunes U Content & lastly
Accessibility and the iPad - First Impressions
Thom Lohman of the DCMP was recently a guest blogger here on Teaching All Students. Read here about the 5th Annual Read Captions Across America event:
Read Across America - a new twist
Tara Jeffs shared a great resource that all teachers should look at for ideas for adapting instruction:
Cathy Hoesterey(@ATtips) of AT tips shared her thoughts on Twitter and Posterus:
Twitter + Posterous= How to Tweet & Blog at the Same Time
Barrie Ellis (@oneswitch) of talks about his recent DIY project:
Switch Adapted Camera D.I.Y. Guide
Christine Southard (@csouthard) of Christine Southard's Blog shares a great idea about ideas for AT!
180 Days of AT/UDL
As for me (@teachntech00), I have just been so excited about all the rumors of a possible impending release...
The Year of the Tablet
Products for a Tablet?
Thanks to all our contributors!
Photo courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons: Kiwikeith
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AT Blog Carnival