
Monday, November 25, 2013

#AppMondayTAS - Panther Connect

Each week I will be featuring an app from  These apps are features in the Bridging Apps newsletter each week and are reviewed by Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, and Special Education Teachers.  Come back each week for a new review.  If you’d like more information on how to use the website, or to find more app reviews, please click here.

Panther Connect (iPad Only, $24.99)

Reviewer Comments
Panther Connect is an amazing app that converts an iPad to an access tool that is feature and function rich. After a simple set up, the iPad transforms into a huge touch pad with a clean interface that is intuitive and logical.
This app has great potential benefit to people with disabilities as an access tool with multiple and varied access options. With the use of this app, users can access and navigate the computer programs on their computer! This was amazing to see and reflect upon. This means there is a great increase in the options available to people with disabilities who are tasked with accessing a computer for work related purposes, educational tasks and for personal computer related activities.
When we trialed Panther Connect, it was important to connect the iPad to a mount that was connected to a wheelchair, putting the iPad in the range of motion for this individual. The laptop was placed on the wheelchair tray, allowing the individual to visually switch between the iPad and the computer screen. Time was taken to familiarize this individual with features in Panther Connect that were access options for him.
With Panther Connect, this individual was able to swipe to see icons of the programs on the computer, access a word processing program, utilize the word processing program and then a paint program. Through this introduction, it was determined that Panther Connect will now be trialed more extensively with this individual as a potential means to access computer programs.
This Panther Connect app embraces the concepts of Universal Design. Features include dozens of options for computer access, including a basic access mode, two axis, four axis, split screen allowing for fast/slow cursor movement and a mini touch pad option. Panther Connect provides users with menu navigation, editing ability, a variety of mouse controls and access to their music library on their iPad.
Panther Connect is a strong tool in the toolbox of Assistive Technology professionals seeking access options for the people who need to access a computer. Bravo to Panther Technology for developing an app with great potential to support the needs of individuals with disabilities. As always, it is most important to conduct a formal AT assessment to determine the best tool from the toolbox; regarding Panther Connect, seeking the best input methods, of which there are many, within the app.

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