
Monday, August 26, 2013

#AppMondayTAS - About a Picture

Each week I will be featuring an app from  These apps are features in the Bridging Apps newsletter each week and are reviewed by Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, and Special Education Teachers.  Come back each week for a new review.  If you’d like more information on how to use the website, or to find more app reviews, please click here.

About a Picture
 - $2.99 (Universal)

Reviewer Comments
This is a super cool app that every, parent, teacher and speech pathologist who is working on expressive vocabulary/communication needs to have!
With this app, you create "photo albums" with the pictures of your choice. Then the user gets to look at the pictures and verbally say what they see. They get to tell "about the picture". The cool part about this app is that it has the option to record what the user says with each picture. At the bottom of each picture is a microphone symbol, when you hit that symbol it begins to record, and not only does it record what the user says, it saves it. You can then go into the settings and change to "parent mode". When you are in this mode, when you touch the microphone symbol all the recordings that have been made on that picture appear. They are displayed by date and you can pick whichever one you want to hear.
What we love most about this is that it gives you a way to "hear" the progress that the user is making. When you work with the user day in and day out you sometimes don't see or hear the progress because it is just gradually occurring. But with this app you can go back to the first time the user did it and compare to where they are now. As a teacher or speech therapist this would be a great thing to be able to share with parents during a conference time.
We also love that this app allows/requires you to use your own photos. This makes it so much more personal for the user and much more motivating too. Kids love to talk about things that they like or personal photos. This app also has a detailed user manual which makes it very easy to set up and use!
Mobile Devices
Independent Traits
iTunes Categories

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