
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Changes are coming

This summer has gotten off to a great start for me, at least personally.  I've spent the last week hanging out with my daughter, doing fun summer stuff, and pretty much ignoring this blog.  I'll admit school got a little hectic at the end of the year.  You see my classroom was moved to another classroom in the building.  As you can imagine that left me with a large job of packing and sorting a ton of stuff.  On top of the classroom moving, I've decided to step into a new role in the district.  I will be at the same school and still have a self-contained special education class, but I'll also be the Assistive Technology Coordinator (at least on a part time basis with another teacher).  More on that change in another post though.

Which leads to another reason packing was hard.  I'm a little bit of a pack rat. My wife and instructional assistants, not so much.  Which leads to lots of sorting, a lot of questions (which classroom does this activity go to??), and a ton of garbage and recycling.  I couldn't have done it without them though!

Lastly, with my transition to a new classroom, I had to prepare 2 different classes.  I still had paperwork for my currently assignment to complete, as well as learn about my new position, new responsibilities, and new students.  It's a very different role for me, but I look forward to this opportunity, and I'm sure I'll be sharing my stuggles, and successes with all of you!

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