
Monday, June 24, 2013

#AppMondayTAS - Grammar Wonderland (Elementary) Lite

Each week I will be featuring an app from These apps are features in the Bridging Apps newsletter each week and are reviewed by Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, and Special Education Teachers. Come back each week for a new review. If you’d like more information on how to use the website, or to find more app reviews, please click here.

Grammar Wonderland (Elementary) Lite - Free (iPad only)

Reviewer Comments
As we venture through the app world and search for apps appropriate for "older" students, Grammar Wonderland Lite is a versatile app that engages children who like to move their iPad in a game-like manner while learning grammar at the same time. It targets grades 3-6, but we have found it useful for students who are chronologically older, but still require lots of practice and repetition.
The app allows you to shut off sounds that may be distracting for some students. The only other settings are what skill is your student working on? Is it nouns, verbs or adjectives? Next choose your level from easy to expert. Now you choose your badge and you are ready to go.
For beginners try the practice mode to learn how to manipulate the iPad and how it moves and how you capture the correct noun, verb or adjective. Next, as the child feels more comfortable, choose to explore new worlds. The worlds are nice as they show students maps introducing the concepts of going north, west or east in the game. It also gives you the spots where you need to target the words you are looking for.
We have used this app with older students who have developmental delays, and it has been helpful for these students who are still learning their grammar skills. We have had the most success with basic verbs, nouns and adjectives. The students love the action component of the game, which helps to keep their attention and keep them engaged.
We think this app is a great way to introduce grammar skills in a action-packed and creative way for older students to help them engage in what can be a dry topic, but needs to be learned and practiced over and over again.
Possible IEP Goal: When given written material, the student will identify and classify the nouns as proper or common.
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