
Monday, June 10, 2013

#AppMondayTAS - SoundingBoard

Each week I will be featuring an app from  These apps are features in the Bridging Apps newsletter each week and are reviewed by Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, and Special Education Teachers.  Come back each week for a new review.  If you’d like more information on how to use the website, or to find more app reviews, please click here.

Sounding Board - Universal, Free
Reviewer Comments
SoundingBoard is a simple yet effective AAC communication board for children or adults who are non-verbal or for students who may "freeze" in an emergency and can not get their words out.
The app is preloaded with 14 boards with the option of 9 pictures per board depending on the needs of the user. AbleNet has an extensive library of pictures to change photos. There is also the option of using your own photos for certain boards. The other nice feature is the option to use your own voice when editing pictures such as your name and phone number.
Editing the board is also very user friendly. Caretakers, teachers or therapists just turn off the edit lock in the settings and simply go to the board they want to edit and either add or delete pictures. This is where you also can change the given voice and put in your own.
There is an option for in-app purchases from Able-Net to purchase boards dealing with restaurants, movies, general conversation getting dressed and mealtime. They are separated by female or male making the expressions more appropriate for a variety of users.
This app is one of the tools we use with all of our students as it helps with choice making, expressive language, receptive language and social skills. Two important boards are the Emergency Information and Emergency Help. In our classroom, we use this as one of our warm up exercises.
This is a must have tool for as it can be adjusted to the needs of the child. Our non-verbal students will use this app when they need to get information out quickly, especially for requesting help.
For those who are unable to use a touch screen, but who can operate assistive switches, the app can be used with 1 or 2 Bluetooth-connected switches.
Auditory Scanning: SoundingBoard now allows auditory scanning in addition to single and dual switch scanning. Auditory scanning works by playing a short "prompt message" during single or dual scanning actions. When the user selects the appropriate cell, the full message plays.
The app offers detailed videos and instructions at:
Possible IEP Goals:
Student will be able to state their address.
Student will be able to state their phone number.
Student will be able to make a choice from between two choices.
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Independent Traits
Assistive Traits
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