
Monday, April 22, 2013

#AppMondayTAS - Sharing Timer

Each week I will be featuring an app from  These apps are features in the Bridging Apps newsletter each week and are reviewed by Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, and Special Education Teachers.  Come back each week for a new review.  If you’d like more information on how to use the website, or to find more app reviews, please click here.

SharingTimer (Universal, $0.99)
Reviewer Comments
Sharing Timer is a great way to introduce sharing, taking turns with peers and managing play time. The caregiver can use the set up screen to set up the activities, the timers, sounds, etc. Also, the app is easy enough for a 5-6 year old to set up independently, with the exception of writing the child's name.
First you identify the players and the color they want to be. If you have their picture you can insert it or take one with the iPad's camera. Next you input the activity you want to play, such as "play ball" or "play house". If you want to add a game press the Activity button and edit the caption to the activity you want. It is helpful to be able to customize the games for the classroom, playdates, or guided play in group therapy sessions. You can also adjust the time for each turn depending upon what you are playing and the age of the children. You can input just a few seconds for younger children and several minutes depending on the developmental age.
Finally, you can customize the background of the app. The chalkboard set up is nice as it is very settling for all children to look at. The last choice is the sound that alerts you when your time is up. Our students liked the Trolley Bell as it does not scare the class when it goes off. The timer has made a big difference in our class as the kids can see their name and see the time counter so they can watch for themselves when it their turn.
Possible IEP Goal: The student will actively participate in class group activities (e.g., sharing, working on group projects).
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