
Monday, April 8, 2013

#AppMondayTAS - Attainment's Dollars & Cents

Each week I will be featuring an app from  These apps are features in the Bridging Apps newsletter each week and are reviewed by Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, and Special Education Teachers.  Come back each week for a new review.  If you’d like more information on how to use the website, or to find more app reviews, please click here.

Attainment's Dollars & Cents ($39.99, iPad Only)

Reviewer Comments
This is a comprehensive app for learning about (US or Canadian) money. There are 3 levels within the app. they are: Counting Coins, Spending Money and Making Change.
The level Counting Coins begins with simply labeling coins and their monetary value. It then progresses to sorting coins, matching coins and combining coins for specific values. The next level is Spending Money and includes a shopping game which requires the student to follow a shopping list and pay for the items and a quiz.
The final level is Making Change. In this level, the player pretends to be the cashier and makes change for a variety of amounts. This app is great for reinforcement of money skills that are often difficult to reinforce.
We have used this app with children functioning between the 5 and 9 year levels with diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder, speech and language delay and developmental delay. It would also be great for typically developing children and adults with intellectual disabilities or aphasia. For those with motoric impairments and need to access the app with a switch, this app has single or two-switch scanning.
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