
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Edublog Awards 2012

I have not been the best blogger lately.  I won't give excuses, but school comes first and that has been a priority the past month or so.  With that being said I'm excited to put up my nominations for the 2012 Edublog Awards!

Best individual blog

From the Desk of Mr. Foteah

Matthew Ray, a special education teacher in New York City, writes this blog about working and teaching in a large public school setting.  The start differences between my experience is startling, as well as the similarities.  I enjoy his style, frankness and content every post!

Best ed tech / resource sharing blog

Larry Ferlazzo's posts are still one of the best ways to get information about current events, current trends and more.  Larry share so much for students who are English Language Learners, but many of those same resources are wonderful for students with communication needs too.

Best free web tool

One of the easiest ways to publish an ebook online.  Once you've created your account, simply search for a picture, add it and start creating your book.  Once published you can have it will read the book to you and you can download in multiple formats.  With almost 26,000 books created there is sure to be something you can use!

Best educational use of audio / video / visual / podcast

Chris Bugaj continues to share insightful, fun and easy ways to implement UDL in schools.  The episodes are short and easy to listen to.  I've tried so many of the tips, tools and resources that Chris has suggested!

Best educational wiki

Looking for a UDL tool, this site has them all.  Created and maintained by Karen Janowski & Joyce Kazman Valenza it is full of amazing ideas.  They are sorted into categories, easy to find and easy to implement!  Check out this amazing resource for all your UDL needs!

So those are my nominations, but the best part of the Eddies, is checking out all the nominations!!!  I always find new tools, blogs and ideas by reading all the posts.  Make sure to check out all the nominees at

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