
Thursday, September 8, 2011

#spedtech = NEW hashtag about special ed. & technology #edchat #edtech #spedchat #assistivetech

For those of you who use Twitter, I want to share a new hashtag created by Samantha Fecich (@SFecich).  Samantha is a former special education teacher who is now a PhD student at Penn State University.  The new hashtag is #spedtech.  The purpose for this hashtag is to facilitate discussion about the use of various technologies in special education.  At first I was curious as to the need for another hashtag in addition to #assistivetech.  However, Samantha explained to me, "There is a huge field out there all about technology and special education adaptations need to be talked about. Not just AT."  I am interested to see what discussions are elicited and what technologies are shared using the #spedtech hashtag.

-  Jeremy

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